Ethic•et Certificate
The brand certifies that the products and processes are chemically safe for the consumer and sustainable from an ecological and environmental point of view. In particular, the objective of the certification is the serious and objective monitoring of the production chains.
The objectives of monitoring are:
- Protect the health of the consumer;
- Protect the environment;
- Reduce risks and costs for businesses;
- Protect and promote transparent companies/supply chains;
- Promote informed and aware consumption.
At the positive end of the inspection process, Sinflex obtained the certificate of conformity in 2022 which concerns yarns in cellulosic and mixed fibers with proteins and metallised polyester and yarns in different mixed fibers between metallised polyester, cellulosic and protein.
The yarns made by SINFLEX
FULFILS ALL REQUIREMENTS SET BY ‘TESSILE E SALUTE’ and PARTICIPATES IN THE TEXTILE AND HEALTH PROJECT funded by the MINISTRY of HEALTH and aimed at protecting the health of people, guaranteeing to the end consumers the safety and the transparency of the textile-clothing products.